Appleworks Mailing Program Page [Page#] Error Messages "Cannot read the disk. Make sure a disk is in the drive and the drive door is closed." The data disk in the location you have specified wasn't found because the disk drive door is open, the disk is damaged, or you gave an incorrect location. "Illegal pathname" You entered an illegal pathname. Pathnames must begin with letters and contain only letters, numbers, or periods--no spaces. A subdirectory name or filename can be no longer than 15 characters. "Cannot find disk with appropriate pathname." The disk corresponding to the pathname you entered cannot be found. Make sure that you entered the correct name and location. "The Word Processor filename xxxx is an illegal filename." The filename you entered is illegal. Filenames must begin with letters and contain only letters, numbers, or periods--no spaces. A subdirectory name or filename can be no longer than 15 characters. "Cannot find the Word Processor file xxxx." The Word Processor file with the name "xxxx" cannot be found. Make sure you entered the correct name and location. "The Data Base filename xxxx is an illegal filename." The filename you entered is illegal. Filenames must begin with letters and contain only letters, numbers, or periods--no spaces. A subdirectory name or filename can be no longer than 15 characters. "Cannot find the Data Base file xxxx." The Data Base file with the name "xxxx" cannot be found. Make sure you entered the correct name and location. "There were more or fewer categories in the Data Base than you specified. The merged words in your printout may be innaccurate. Check your Data Base to determine the correct number of categories." Make sure you entered the correct number of categories when prompted. It may be a good idea to return to your AppleWorks Data Base file and check the number of categories in your report. "There are more than xxxx lines in your document. Merge only that portion of the document that needs to be merged, or split your document in two." There were more lines in your document than are allowed with the memory capacity of your system (see "Size Limitations of AMP" above). You have two choices. You may either print to a "printer on disk" only that page that contains the MERGE identifiers. Or, if there are more pages that need to be merged than will fit into AMP, divide the document into sections. In either case, you can force the pages following the first page to have the appropriate page number using AppleWorks' Page Number command. "Your Word Processor file is too big. Merge only that portion of the document that needs to be merged, or split your document in two." Even though you are under the maximum number of lines allowed for a Word Processor Document for your system, there were too many characters in the document as a whole. This usually occurs when you have large paragraphs containing long lines. You have two choices. You may either print to a "printer on disk" only that page that contains the MERGE identifiers. Or, if there are more pages that need to be merged than will fit into AMP, divide the document into sections. In either case, you can force the pages following the first page to have the appropriate page number using AppleWorks' Page Number command. "This program runs only on an Apple //c or on an Apple //e with an 80-column card." AMP will not work on other systems. For the //e, the program requires an 80-column card and will use the Extended 80-Column Text Card if available. "Your Word Processor file has more than 6 MERGE identifiers in line xxxx." There were more than 6 MERGE identifiers in line xxxx of your Word Processor file. Only 6 MERGE identifiers are allowed per line. "The file xxxx is not an ASCII file." The file you specified exists on the disk, but is not an ASCII file. AMP requires an ASCII file. Make sure you did not enter the name of the original AppleWorks file by mistake and that you printed to a "Printer on Disk" in AppleWorks to create the ASCII file. "A maximum of 30 MERGE identifiers may be specified." Since AppleWorks allows only 30 categories, AMP allows only 30 MERGE identifiers. "[MERGEx] in your Word Processor file is not in the correct format." Make sure your MERGE identifier is in the correct format. Make sure "MERGE" is in all caps. There should be no space between "MERGE" and the identifier number. If you include an "*", make sure it is in the correct position. "Please make sure your program disk is in one of the drives." Make sure the disk you used to start up AMP is in one of the drives. Perhaps you took it out when using one of your data files. AMP requires the disk containing the program to be in one of the drives so that if you start up the program again using "RUN", it will find all the files it requires. "One of the lines in your Word Processor file may be too long for the AppleWorks Mailing Program. See the AMP manual for details." The AppleWorks Mailing Program cannot handle lines that are longer than 238 characters. (AMP is written in BASIC and the maximum line length for BASIC is 238.) If you use a characters-per-inch setting of 24, or if you are printing justified text and have a character-per-inch setting of 17 or greater, you might get too many characters in a line. (Justified text causes printer codes to be placed in between every word on a line for some printers--the Imagewriter, the Apple Dot Matrix, and the Apple Daisy Wheel, for example.) Check your letters to make sure they are printing correctly. If they are not, use different printer option settings for justification and/or characters-per-inch.